Hello I am

UC Berkeley Class 2018

A little bit about me
My family and I on the Mediterrean Sea 🌊

A little bit about me

Hi there! My name is Anoop Baliga. I know you must be thinking, has anyone called me Noopdog, Noop-Noop, Noopinator, Noopster or even Noopie among many others? Yes. Yes, people have. If you can think of a unique, cool or just plain crazy nickname let me know! I'll be sure to display my favorites here.

I am a recent grad from the University of California, Berkeley (Go Bears!) with a B.A. in Computer Science and Economics. I am interested in exploring the intersection between economics, technology and policy and its impact on societal well-being.

I am a die-hard sports fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes, New England Patriots, and Boston Celtics and you can usually catch me watching a game. I also enjoy taking photos and been using that as an excuse to take random toursity photos, go on crazy hikes, and capture people in action. Let's connect!

Work Experience

I am currently an Associate Product Manager at Turnitin focused on improving the accuracy of our core algorithm using AI and design thinking. My responsibilities include exploring key accuracy improvements for our users, scoping the engineering & design work, and crafting the long-term roadmap. I also worked on SimCheck, Turnitin's new similarity product, growing our users 10x and generating $10m+ in revenue. I was a product intern in 2017.

In the summer of 2016, I was a product strategy intern at Infosys Limited. I wrote a 60-page sales enablement report for a new platform with senior management that included comprehensive market analysis, crafting the product’s unique value proposition, and in-depth competitor analysis helping secure 50+ new clients in 2016-17.

Campus Experience

As a senior, I was the President of Net Impact Berkeley a social impact consulting club and the undergraduate chapter of the global Net Impact organization. As president, I supervised 40+ members, oversaw 5 high impact consulting projects, led internal member professional development, and secured mission-driven partnerships such as Teach for America and Bain.

As a junior, I was a student researcher with guidance from the Berkeley Haas School of Business Professor Ernesto Dal Bó. As part of my responsibilities, I conducted rigorous data analysis of 1000+ archaeological sites for ground breaking research about the origin of early Holocene civilizations around the world.

As a sophomore, I was an executive team member for LAUNCH: The University of California’s Premiere Startup Accelerator. As a team member I facilitated bi-weekly teaching seminars, assisted in creating curriculum content for over 15 early stage startups and launched a mobile app for 500+ investors and students on demo day.

In high school, I travelled to Bangalore India to work at Ujjivan, a microfinance institution. While at Ujjivan, I wrote a 40-page report called "The 2010-11 Microfinance Crisis in India: Ujjivan Case Study". The report discusses how Ujjivan not only weathered 2011 Indian microfinance crisis but also thrived by focusing on customer satisfaction, employee motivation and continuous process improvement. Blogged my entire experience as well.

© Anoop Baliga 2018